It’s confirmed, there is no hope in the pope! Rome announced today that Pope Benedict resigned his post as God. Over one billion Roman Catholics worship a god that is in limbo until the 28th of February according to all major news sources. We will have to wait a while to see who the Cardinals choose to be their new god/christ on earth.
There is much more to be said concerning the Roman Catholic ant-christ in the weeks to come. Stay tuned to EZEKIEL 3 for Biblical updates on events taking place at the Vatican. We will be looking at the events taking place in Rome under the microscope of the AV1611 King James Bible. Many will see this as hate speech, but we know that we please God, because we have the testimony of Jesus Christ according to his word. Many will become angry and curse our enlightenment that comes from the AV1611 anti-Catholic Bible. Jesus warned that they see not because there is no light in them.
That being said, it is reported that Pope Benedict plans on using his time during retirement to study. We know, Biblically speaking, that all previous Popes are now in hell, awaiting the lake of fire. Still there is still hope that Pope Benedict will study to show himself approved, and repent of his wickedness, and come to know the real Jesus Christ of the Holy Bible. Join with me and pray that the scales will be lifted from his eyes and that he will accept the atonement that Jesus Christ made on through his death on the cross of Calvary when he shed his blood for the sins of the whole world, was buried and rose from the dead.
Everyone reading this post will want to check back with EZEKIEL3 these next few weeks as events unfold in Rome. The light of the King James Bible will seem brighter than ever as we point to darkness in the Vatican. We will start with the scripture below attempting to give light to lost Catholics and others that no Pope is, was, or ever shall be Christ on earth or the holy Father.
Hast thou not known? hast thou not heard, that the everlasting God, the LORD, the Creator of the ends of the earth, fainteth not, neither is weary?… Isaiah 40:28 KJB
This one scripture alone should be enough proof text that no Roman Pontiff is, was, or ever shall be the Vicar of Christ and should never be thought of as God the Father of the holy scriptures. All such popish nonsense is BLASPHEMY AGAINST THE GOD OF HEAVEN! Selah.
gdspeedlt: May I suggest that you determine to read and follow the AV1611 Bible and get in an Independant Fundamental Bible Believing, Bible Preaching Church with a MAN of God for a pastor. In the mean time look at for some good Godly instruction in righteosness. God Bless, Bro. Ray
Dear gdsspeedlt: Sorry it took so long to answer your comment. Yes I can say all Popes are in hell because scripture supports my statement. I’m sure like most you are familiar with John 3:16, but did you read John 3:18? He that believeth not is condemned already according to John 3:18. The sitting Pope does not believe on the same Jesus and plan of salvation that you and I do. We believe in the death, buriel, and ressurection of Jesus Christ and have faith in His blood that was shed for our sins. With this faith we have eternal life. The Pope does not believe the gospel as I just set it forth for you.
The Pope believes that his salvation began when he was sprinkled. He keeps it, supposedly, by good works and being good (hmm). He also believes that when he says his devilish prayer over the fermented wine that it becomes the blood of Jesus. This is crazy, non-biblical thinking and teaching. The Pope also believes that the wafer is the literal body of Jesus Christ. Nuts man! The Pope believes Mary is the eternal virgin and co-redeemer of Jesus Christ. Blasphemy my friend! The Pope heads up a so-called church that will kill you in a heartbeat for not following their fictional ways. Remember the Alamo nothing, remember the DARK AGES!
Dear friend you seem to always be half right and that will make you completely Biblicaly wrong every time.
Hey yuse Ray Ive been reading somethings on here about the Catholic Church yuse better becareful how things are said ..remember what wheeze did to Tyndale and a bunch of others who tried to expose us…kapish? If you know your Catholic history and the established Church things are better off and so are you left unsaid..Yuse might want to watch ..Gangster Squad
Ok Ray. You cannot say that all Popes are in hell. You are not God. Jesus is Judge of all mankind and He will not let you have the final say. I agree with you on everything else. I myself will not say if someone goes to hell or not it is not my place to try to take over Jesus’s place as the final Judge even if I dare think I have the right answer. I don’t find a Biblical passage that actually states all Popes are in hell and the lake of fire ( we individually, each person will be judged by Jesus). That would interest me if it were in there and I am not talking about enuindo’s to such a thing I am looking for specifics and even then I would not override Jesus’s authority as Judge. I think that all spiritual leaders will most likely be judged by Jesus on what they have said and are held to a higher accountability. That is quoted in the Bible. Good job though on the rest of your article.