Much of the modern “Gospel Preaching” being mouthed about amounts to no more than a clown’s non-Biblical interpretation and a dunces application of the Scriptures. This is the result of using other modern “so-called” translations other than God’s preserved words as found in the AV1611 King James Bible. Biblical vocabulary is removed from the “newer” and “clearer” modern translations. As a result, the lost never hear the words, redemption, adoption, reconciliation, sanctification, predestination, imputation, and justification. SALVATION is the sum of the foregoing list of Biblical words.
In modern preaching, nothing happens to a sinner, because he is only encouraged to give “God a break” by making a “decision for Christ” and then lets “Christ into his life” so that he can “share God’s love” with others. Some of these reprobates wind up loving the Devil! In the Scriptures (AV1611) salvation is far more than getting “adjusted” so you can live with yourself and others. Salvation is far more than “coping with situations”and “maintaining relationships” with others.
Following is a list of what happens at SALVATION to a sinner, REDEMPTION he/she is bought with a price/redeemed. . 1Pet. 1:18- 1Cor. 6:20 REGENERATION he/she’s spirit is regenerated John 3:3,5 – Eph. 2:1-8 JUSTIFICATION he/she is declared, judicially, to be JUST, although he/she is unjust Rom. 3:24 – 4:6 ADOPTION he/she is adopted into God’s family Heb. 12:8 – Rom. 8:15-16 RECONCILIATION he/she has their sins charged to Jesus Christ who paid for them on the Cross of Calvary and has the righteousness of Jesus Christ IMPUTED to them. 2Cor. 5:19-21 PREDESTINATION once saved he/she’s destination is finalized and they are predestined to be with and like Jesus Christ. Rom. 8:29 – 1Cor. 15:40-55 – 1 Jn. 1-3
With yours and your family’s eternity on the line, do you think it is a good idea to get into an AV1611 Bible-believing church where the Gospel of Grace is preached? Just asking. SELAH that for a few weeks.