Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Pastors and Teachers
And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers; For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ: Eph. 4:11,12
The New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) crowd, while getting in a hurry to make the Bible fit their private interpretation, hit this verse at over 100 mph skidding completely out of control. These blind guides either do not see, forget, or chose to ignore the comas placed after the word “some” all three times in this verse. The NAR glosse over the jots and tittles (a.k.a. commas) of this verse and stumble again at the words and punctuation of God the Holy Ghost.
Please allow me to explain.
Those of the New Apostolic Reformation misuse these verses (Eph.4:11,12) to justify their claims of to the office of Apostle and Prophets even though these modern offices do not exist today according to the Bible (AV1611). The leaders of the New Apostolic Reformation deceive themselves and those who follow them and by removing or ignoring all the commas that come after the word “some”, thus making the word “some” in Eph. 4: 11,12 to mean an unspecified number of Apostles and Prophets. By ignoring the commas as they are placed in the 1611 Holy Bible or by using a perversion of Scripture, leaders in the NAR are able to convince the feeble minded that God the Holy Ghost has changed his mind about the last of these last days before He closed the Book (AV1611) in Revelation 22:21.
Before we continue, here is a definition of the word “some” as found in the Noah Webster 1828 English Dictionary – 2. SOME: Noting a number of persons or things, greater or less, but indeterminate.
With the comma left in place where the Holy Ghost put it, the verse is interpreted correctly. Please allow me to exhort you. Yes, the word “some” does mean an unspecified number, but that “number or some” represents and refers to those being served by the men holding the God given and appointment the Offices of Apostle and Prophet.
During transition from the Old to the New Testament God called and appointed Apostles and Prophets to expound on the foundation of the Old Testament prophets, and to give us the New Testament. The offices of Apostle and Prophet closed at the end of and during this Church Age because we now have the full council of God (AV1611 Holy Bible of course). For this time, (the Church Age) God has called all born again men and women to do the work of an evangelist which is spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Evangelism comes in many forms of work for the Lord. Please allow me to list a few, teaching a Sunday school class to children, older women teaching the younger women, and Pastors and Teachers to oversee the church for which Jesus Christ died and rose again.
There is no Five Fold Ministry represented in Ephesians 4: 11,12, office of Pastor and Teacher is one office, not two!