Part 3 – Charismatics / Why I Cannot Join Them

I cannot join them because they do not believe the Word of God in the King James Bible or any other “so-called version” of the bible is a complete revelation of God.  A Charismatic told me that the Bible could not be a complete record of what God wanted us to know about him and his plans concerning all men and that no book or Book could contain all of what God wanted us to know, and that God was bigger than his Word.  I suppose my Charismatic friend forgot that Jesus said, “I have given them thy word…thy word is truth.”  John 17:14,17.   But this same Charismatic would want me to believe what he or she says through prophecy or speaking the “word” concerning God and his communication with mankind.  Charismatics believe that God is still revealing himself through the gift of prophecy in addition to the written word which they believe is incomplete or incorrect because the Lord Jesus is changing or adding to his word (Bible) since Revelation Chapter 22.  This fore mentioned beliefs would account for the endless list of false doctrines and heresies found inside the Charismatic churches such as:

1. The “laughing spirit” heresies.  2. Loosing consciousness and “slaying in the Spirit” heresies.  3. Soothsaying or fortune-telling in the name of Jesus .4. The “prosperity gospel”.  5. Power to speak things into existence.  6. False claims to heal and raise the dead. 7. “Kingdom Now and Manifest Sons of God”  heresies.  8. Manifestation of “winged angels” and manifestation of Jesus from 4 feet to 600 feet high.  9. Extreme ecumenical beliefs, a.k.a. Apostolic continuation.   10.Jesus in hell blasphemies.

Allow me to encourage all Charismatics and would be Charismatics to read 2 Peter 1:14-21 and stick to the Bible, Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation.  Also take note that, all scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, FOR CORRECTION,  for instruction in righteousness:, and try to line up the heresies and false doctrines listed above with what is written. Remember now why we have the AV1611 Bible, FOR CORRECTION!  Don’t forget all of God’s word was given to us through the Jewish people “because that unto them were committed the oracles of God” Rom.3:2; not one Gentile American in the bunch!  Selah that and add your thoughts in the comment section.

About Bro. Ray McIntire

EZEKIEL 3 is extremely salty and has not lost any savor found in the AV1611 Holy Bible. If you are looking for compromise, this site is not for you! This site's objective is to exalt the Lord Jesus Christ and to destroy false doctrines and expose false teachers. EZEKIEL3 makes no apologies to anyone who opposes the Gospel of Jesus Christ, "Christian" or otherwise. Deal with it!
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2 Responses to Part 3 – Charismatics / Why I Cannot Join Them

  1. admin says:

    Charisma is not, nor is it limited to enthusiastic worship and raising the hands. Charisma is speaking in tongues and all the heresy that follows in the wake. Give yourself time and enough rope and you will be caught up in heresies listed above in my post. As for where does he go to church, get out the phone book and call Pentecostal churches and Charismatic churches and ask about this strange fire. The survey will be interesting. I know the gibberish called tongues and the fleshly mind that is tickled will probably wave off angels when a Biblical teaching is given, but I’ll try anyway. “The Truth About Tongues” coming soon! Till then Bible-Bible-Bible. Still love you sister. Bro. Ray

  2. B says:

    Where does he go to church? I would not go there. There are many charismatic christians who do not follow these kinds of teachings. They have a heart for worship and raising their hands to heaven which is in scripture. But the rest of this stuff is crazy.

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