This is our only open-air preach report for 2012.  We write with sincere regret that we didn’t do more to spread the gospel of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.  I sincerely believe that open-air evangelism whether it be preaching, passing out tracts, or the banner ministry is certainly the most economical method of spreading the gospel of our dear Lord.  Our bold gospel banners, each now five and six years old have been read by tens and tens of thousands this year. These banners declare Biblical truths and eternal warnings about the judgement! Thousands have been reached through our gospel tracts.  God gave us salty messages to preach, making thousands responsible before him in 2012. To many we are the only personal representative of God they will come into contact with!

2012’s first preaching event was in January at the Civic Center in Charleston, WV outside a pagan church supported “christian Rock Concert” called Winter Jam!  You heard me correctly, I called it a pagan event.  Steeple bred church groupies gathered approximately 10,000 strong to blaspheme the name of Jesus Christ at this devilish rock fest.  MU-SICians masquerading as angels of light glorified the flesh and the devil.  Before he was converted, Bro. Karr was familiar with rock concerts and the spirits that accompany them.  He noted that the same type of  “spirits” that accompany Satanist Ozzie Osborn’s concerts were present at this “christian” event.  The real wonder is that a great number of those young impressionable minds in attendance were brought there on church buses.  Ecumenical religions laid aside doctrinal differences in the name of WAR-ship, as they offered up a blemished MU-SICal sacrifice to a God unknown by them.  Needless to say our Biblical preaching and banners were not well accepted by hireling pastors and apostate churches.

Next, at Super Bowl 2012 in Indianapolis tens of thousands were forced to make a decision for or against Jesus Christ in the days leading up to the Super Bowl and the day of.  I’m often asked, do people listen to you guys?  Our open-air discourse caused such a stir that police asked us to stop for about 20 minutes so the street closed off to only foot traffic could clear a little and give access to the stadium.  When was the last time your pastor preached a sermon that could stop traffic?  As a street preacher we never lack for hearers of the word, but doers of the word are a little harder to come by. Nevertheless, the Scripture says  “Preach the word”, so we do!

This year William, Doug and Peter who are students at Marietta Bible College were introduced to street preaching.  Time and space, and memory do not allow for a full disclosure on 2012’s outdoor events.  Pray for us that we will be able to do a better job next year with the tools God has given us.

About Bro. Ray McIntire

EZEKIEL 3 is extremely salty and has not lost any savor found in the AV1611 Holy Bible. If you are looking for compromise, this site is not for you! This site's objective is to exalt the Lord Jesus Christ and to destroy false doctrines and expose false teachers. EZEKIEL3 makes no apologies to anyone who opposes the Gospel of Jesus Christ, "Christian" or otherwise. Deal with it!
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