Word Power and Bible Power Vol #2 – DOCUMENTED HERESY


James  Webber’s book, Word Power and Bible Power  came  apart at the bindings when his erroneous ecumenical chapter on the AV1611 Bible was closely examined by  AV1611 Bible scholar Dwane Karr.  Allow me to share with you some errors in Webber’s book and the strong reproof, rebuke, and exhortation offered to Mr. Webber by EZEKIEL3’s contributor and consultant, Mr. Dwane Karr of Parkersburg, WV.   You can get more great teachings from Karr at “the Workman” on YouTube. 


In reviewing the excerpts from James Webber’s book it was sad to see that another man has been fed the typical bill of goods that Rome has been putting out since the dolly worshipping Westcott and Hort put out their Greek New Testament in 1881.  That text was based on Vaticanus and Sinaiticus which all the deceived, want to be scholars believe to be the oldest and most reliable texts. It is no wonder Mr. Webber thanked Bruce M. Metzger for his book “The Bible in Translation” for helping him write his book.  Metzger was a Bible perverting puppet of Rome who was an editor of the United Bible Societies’ standard Greek New Testament, the starting point for nearly all recent New Testament translations.  Every translation of the Bible except the King James Authorized Version come from these Roman Catholic texts.

How quickly Christians forget that the Roman Catholic Church is the “MOTHER OF HARLOTS” of Revelation 17, Satan’s church. How quickly they forget that it was Roman Catholics who murdered millions of Christians during the dark ages and did so in the most heinous and torturous ways possible.  They are the ones who did everything they could to keep the Bible out of the hands of common man so they could control the perverted doctrines they put out and keep men enslaved by their Satanic brand of religion disguised as Christianity.

In 1952 Metzger became a contributor to the Revised Standard Version (RSV). One of the most rotten pieces of garbage that was ever put out as a Bible. From 1977 to 1990, he chaired the Committee on Translators for the New Revised Standard Version (NRSV) of the Bible and was “largely responsible for … seeing [the NRSV] through the press.   He considered it a privilege to present the NRSV—which includes the books referred to as Apocrypha by Protestants. Though Roman Catholics and Eastern Orthodox consider them deuterocanonical—to Pope John Paul II and Patriarch Demetrius I of Constantinople. Enough said about this Roman, Satanic pawn.

Mr. Webber goes on to say “The KJV-only followers should be thankful to the Roman Catholic Church and the Eastern Orthodox Church because they were the churches, through their pope’s, priests, bishops and monks, which have been guided by God to copy and preserve the manuscripts that the KJV 1611 came from.”   Mr. Webber sounds as if he is  in love with Rome as much as Mr. Metzger.  A man is easy to decieve when he is ignorant of who the real enemy is. How sad indeed. Mr Webber goes on to make this incredibly asinine statement:

“NOTE: It’s interesting to see the KJV 1611 version has 49 books in the Old Testament, not 39 as our translations do.  If the 1611 version was inspired by God, why delete 10 books contained within the original 1611 as many of the recent KJV versions do? Which part of the KJV 1611 is inspired, all or part?”

Perhaps he copied that directly from Metzger, for anyone who ever studied anything on this subject KNOWS that the 10 books he is talking about (the Apocrypha) were never considered inspired books by the King James translators and were not mixed in with the other books as is done in the grossly corrupt New Revised Standard Version put out by Metzger. They Apocrypha was considered to be “historical” books and NOT INSPIRED!  Thus they were inserted in the middle of the King James Bible as a historical addendum only. And as far as “KJV-only followers” being “thankful to the Roman Catholic Church” for preserving the scriptures, not to mention having “been guided by God to copy and preserve the manuscripts that the KJV 1611 came from”, nothing could be any farther from the truth.  God would not use Satan’s Baalite priests for anything other than (Mat.3:12) gathering them as chaff and burning them up with “unquenchable fire.”

The final point I would like to address is Mr Webber’s paragraph on the “Septuagint” which reads as follows:

“It is said that the Septuagint is the oldest translation of the Bible (285-246 B.C.). Accordingly, it was made for Jews. And it is commonly agreed that it was made for the Jews in Alexandria. Seventy-two elders (six from each of the twelve tribes) constructed it. They translated the Old Testament from Hebrew into Greek because the common language of Alexandria was Greek. Over the years, many Jews had either grown rusty or had forgotten their Hebrew and wanted a translation so that they could understand the Scriptures. Hence, the Septuagint was created: a Greek translation from the Hebrew of the Old Testament.”

Ah, the Septuagint. This “oldest translation” is Satan’s masterpiece of deception he has used to guide scholars away from the truth and separate millions of professing Christians from the Words of The Living God. This Septuagint was supposedly put together a long before the time of Christ. There is not one shred of evidence that a complete Greek translation of the Hebrew Old Testament ever existed anywhere before the Birth of Jesus Christ.  The Septuagint, also know as the LXX, was in truth produced by Adamantius Origen somewhere between 220 and 254 A.D.!  As Mr Webber states the story is that 72 Jews, 6 from each tribe were gathered together to produce this B.C. Greek translation of the Hebrew Old Testament. I would like to focus on this story first.

1) 72 Jews where supposedly used.   Why then is it named the 70 (LXX)?  2) How were 6 well learned Jews from each tribe, proficient in both Greek and Hebrew assembled in Egypt considering the 10 northern tribes had went into Assyrian captivity 500 yrs before this LXX was supposedly written and never returned? (I would love to hear the Papal Gas on that one).  3) Anyone who is knowledgeable of the Bible KNOWS that the Levites were THE TRIBE responsible for the keeping of the Holy Scriptures. It would be completely against the commands of Jehovah God for members of any other tribe to BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE PRESERVATION OF THE HOLY SCRIPTURES!  4) Anyone knowledgeable of God’s Words knows what God thinks of Egypt. God would not leave His people in Egypt.  God would not leave His Son in Egypt.  God would not even leave Joseph’s bones in Egypt.  Look what God said in Jeremiah’s time when some Jews ran to Egypt hoping for protection; (Jer.44:26) ” Therefore hear ye the word of the LORD, all Judah that dwell in the land of Egypt; Behold, I have sworn by my great name, saith the LORD, that MY NAME SHALL NO MORE BE NAMED IN THE MOUTH OF ANY MAN OF JUDAH IN ALL THE LAND OF EGYPT, saying, The Lord GOD liveth.”

The Septuagint is a manuscript copied by either Eusebius of Pamphilus directly out of the fifth column of the Hexapla, and Origen wrote this column HIMSELF! Origen’s “Hexapla” was a critical work that showed six versions of the Old Testament alongside each other. The First column was a Hebrew Old Testament. The Second column was a Greek transliteration of the Old Testament, using Greek characters to reproduce the Hebrew text. The third column was a Greek Old Testament by Aquila. The fourth column was a Greek Old Testament by Symmachus. The fifth column is Origens perverted masterpiece and is referred to as the LXX by Philip Schaff, (head of the ASV O.T. revision committee 1901). The sixth is another Greek Old Testament written by Theodotian.  Let me sum this up in plain English so this Satanic (Eph.4:14) “sleight of men and cunning craftiness” can be clearly understood once and for all!  The four Greek Old Testaments including Origen’s contained in the Hexapla ALL WERE WRITTEN BETWEEN 140 AND 240 A.D.!  Satan guided the corrupt mind of Origen, ( this man castrated himself and went around barefooted in order to obey pre-crucifixion instructions given to Jews under the Law), to write a grossly corrupt Greek translation of the Hebrew Old Testament in which he purposely changed Old Testament passages to match New Testament quotes by Jesus and the disciples so men like Mr. Webber would think the LXX-SEPTUAGINT was not only the oldest but “most accurate” manuscript available!   He was writing this over 100 yrs after the New Testament was completed and had it on his desk so he could alter the Hebrew Old Testament passages to match the Greek New Testament passages.  Very simple, and very effective betrayal of God’s Words.  Let me say in closing that I am not blasting Mr Webber. I am very sorry that a good man (I don’t know him but will give him the benefit of the doubt) like him has been deceived by this elaborate Roman Catholic con job.  Rome’s hands, skillfully guided by their father the Devil, have been very successful in robbing the Body of Christ of the POWER (2 Tim.3:5) of God in these last days by deceiving Christians into feeding on spiritual junk food instead of the strength (Acts 20:32) building Living Words of the Living God. All the new translations come from the corrupt manuscripts which originated in Alexandria Egypt.  Origen and his cohorts are the base and Westcott and Hort are the springboard that allowed Sinaiticus,  Alexandrinus, and Vaticanus to become accepted as the oldest and best manuscripts. Don’t be fooled fellow Christians. The King James Authorized Bible is the perfectly preserved WORDS of God. I am sure many will reject this article, for those once deceived on these matters seldom will admit they have been deceived by the great deceiver.  Genesis 3:1 “Yea, hath God said”?   He tactics won’t change until Rev.20:10.

About Bro. Ray McIntire

EZEKIEL 3 is extremely salty and has not lost any savor found in the AV1611 Holy Bible. If you are looking for compromise, this site is not for you! This site's objective is to exalt the Lord Jesus Christ and to destroy false doctrines and expose false teachers. EZEKIEL3 makes no apologies to anyone who opposes the Gospel of Jesus Christ, "Christian" or otherwise. Deal with it!
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3 Responses to JAMES “Bible Jim” WEBBER’S BOOK EXPOSED by Dwane Karr

  1. Bro. Ray McIntire says:

    Amen, I think. Are you finally agreeing with something on this site? are you the anonymous that disagrees with almost everything that appears here? WOW!

  2. Anonymous says:

    Excellent. I really enjoyed this. The devil knows there is a sucker born every five seconds.

  3. Bro. Ray McIntire says:

    Dwane and I welcome Mr. Webber and those who would like to defend his erroneous views concerning the scriptures and those who would like to defend the Scriptures in the English language. You’re thinking it, have the courage to say it!

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