The commandment, “BE NO MORE CHILDREN”, is broken regularly with little regard by most professing Christians.
That we henceforth BE NO MORE CHILDREN, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive; Eph. 4:18
This Bible study will focus on bringing your attention to the fact that many continue to be as little children in their knowledge of the words of God. Sadly, the only verse that many professing Christians can quote is John 3:16. Still others are only able to misquote Acts 2:38. With that said let us begin to show you the words of the Lord.
Recently we have reproved, rebuked, and attempted to exhort some street preachers concerning the devilish heresy of the “endure to the end doctrine”. Some of the busiest street preachers promoting the devilish doctrine of “endure to the end” are Jed “Smuck” Smock, Ruben Israel, Doug Berry and wife, “Little” Jesse Morrell, and “the Charismatic nut” Micah Armstrong just to name a few. The fore-mentioned men, and their followers claim they have reached and maintain sinless perfection as a requirement for entering heaven.
The purpose of this writing is not to degrade these men, but rather to point out the false doctrines of “sinless perfection and endure to the end”. These false doctrines are being transgressed by the SAME men who teach these heresies. Not one of them has obeyed the commandment, “BE NO MORE CHILDREN”, and the measurement for that commandment that follows in Ephesians chapter four verse fourteen.
Not one of the men; ASK THEM; named above believe they have an inerrant, infallible, and perfect Bible. So right out of the starting blocks they trip on unbelief, and lend themselves to receiving and being carried away with every wind of doctrine. Not one of these men can or will answer the following questions:
Do you have an inerrant, infallible Bible? Where can I get an inerrant infallible Bible? Do you believe there is an inerrant, infallible Bible?
One of these men believes that his calling is to fight sin in the streets, another believes he is to bring sex education to a college campus near you while his wife preaches the condom gospel. Still yet another”s life calling seems to be disputing the imputed righteousness of Jesus Christ, while another’s calling is to name call and antagonize college students.
False doctrines of “sinless perfection and endure to the end doctrines” go belly up in light of the commandment “be no more children tossed to and fro”. Not one man named in this study can or will rightly divide the words of truth. We are warned about the sleight of men and cunning craftiness which is embodied in all the new perversions of the Bible. None of these men will speak out against Bible perversions and some hold up these perversions and the Greek as being superior to the AV1611 Holy Bible.
So here we have it, these men are caught in sin and remain unrepentant. They cannot live up to the same standard they preach and demand of others. What shall they do? Trust Jesus Christ and nothing else! I do!
Most of these people are not saved and they are putting burdens on young people that none of them can carry! Total lies!