WINTER JAM 2014 – News Flash!

WINTER JAM 2014 – News Flash

Lecrae the c-rapper Headlines 2014 Winter Jam

The powers and principalities of the air hovered with bated breath as they watched apostates and reprobates from all over the region, representing Churches of Christ, Baptists, Southern Baptists, Nazarenes, Churches of God, Roman Catholics, Charismatics, Pentecostals, and general heathen stand outside the Charleston, WV Civic Center waiting to fill the 12,000 seat arena.  Satan’s minions hovering above  were concerned about the two street preachers outside on the sidewalk, warning of and exposing  the evils of christian rock, christian rap, and ccm.  In addition the street preachers were giving the gospel of Jesus Christ to all of those blinded by Satan while they waited to go inside, and vomit on the Lord’s table calling it “praise and worship”.

Lecrae headlined the show with his unique verity of c-rap that EZEKIEL3 has given the dubious title Lec-rap.   Lecrae’s devilish hip-hop is nothing less than the RA religion disguised by a few lyrics  using Biblical words.  Click on the YouTube video below, for informative  teaching about Hip Hop, the RA religion, and  connections to the Occult.

Hirelings, posing as pastors and youth pastors brought church buses full of young people from all over the region to be mesmerized, hypnotized and introduced to the RA religion and the occult by the  band of traveling mu-sick minstrels known as WINTER   JAM 2014.

A strong rebuke was given by Evangelist Dwane Karr plus detailed information on the origin, methods, dangers, and results of the deafening rock beat  coming from inside the civic center.  Many listened, others mocked.  Dwane was able to give a personal testimony and instruction to a young song leader from a liberal church.  One young African-American in line seized the opportunity to be offended, breathed threats and had to be restrained by his friends when Bro. Ray spoke to the standing room only crowd stating, “the beat in christian rock came out of the jungles of Africa”.  This young man exemplified the mind-set of the Winter Jam crowd; anything but the truth.  WHAT A  THING MAN, WHAT A THING.

While the concert organizers meant the concert for evil, much good came from their effort as the two street preachers took advantage of the situation and gave the gospel of Jesus Christ and informed concert goers concerning the evils of c-rock, c-rap, and ccm.

About Bro. Ray McIntire

EZEKIEL 3 is extremely salty and has not lost any savor found in the AV1611 Holy Bible. If you are looking for compromise, this site is not for you! This site's objective is to exalt the Lord Jesus Christ and to destroy false doctrines and expose false teachers. EZEKIEL3 makes no apologies to anyone who opposes the Gospel of Jesus Christ, "Christian" or otherwise. Deal with it!
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