Here’s a thought concerning Oneness Pentecostals, Churches of Christ, Roman Catholics,  and all who believe in water regeneration.  They should  bring their hymn books up-to-date by changing one word in the title and lyrics of “ONWARD CHRISTIAN SOLDIERS”  to Onward Christian SAILORS since they like to spend so much time in and around the water.

About Bro. Ray McIntire

EZEKIEL 3 is extremely salty and has not lost any savor found in the AV1611 Holy Bible. If you are looking for compromise, this site is not for you! This site's objective is to exalt the Lord Jesus Christ and to destroy false doctrines and expose false teachers. EZEKIEL3 makes no apologies to anyone who opposes the Gospel of Jesus Christ, "Christian" or otherwise. Deal with it!
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  1. h.gual says:

    I corrected your generalization about baby sprinklers and you respond with a dodge about Roman Catholicism. Typical. I already acknowledged that Roman Catholic’s believe in baptismal regeneration. That was never the point at issue.

  2. admin says:

    Elephants maybe not, but I know what squirrels looks like over at your hang out http://www.stufffundieslike.com

  3. admin says:

    Elephants maybe not, but I know what squirrels looks like over at your hang out http://www.stufffundieslike.com

  4. admin says:

    You are an incredibly confused individual.

  5. admin says:

    h.gual: Calm down, your getting too emotional and your misdirected passion is causing you to become irrational. In this post I am perfectly correct when I playfully, yet seriously rebuke C of C, the Oneness cult, and Romans about water regeneration. Don’t take my word for it. Call a Catholic priest, C of C minister, or Oneness Church and ask them if I’m telling the truth about their faith in water and works salvation plan. Ask them if you are going to heaven if you do not float in the water with them. Your afraid to ask them because you know your Uncle Zeke is correct.

  6. admin says:

    h.gual: Calm down, your getting too emotional and your misdirected passion is causing you to become irrational. In this post I am perfectly correct when I playfully, yet seriously rebuke C of C, the Oneness cult, and Romans about water regeneration. Don’t take my word for it. Call a Catholic priest, C of C minister, or Oneness Church and ask them if I’m telling the truth about their faith in water and works salvation plan. Ask them if you are going to heaven if you do not float in the water with them. Your afraid to ask them because you know your Uncle Zeke is correct.

  7. h.gual says:

    You are an incredibly confused individual.

  8. h.gual says:

    Reformation theology is basically founded on the sola fide principle, i.e. that salvation is not through works. And infant baptism is an important aspect of Reformation theology. Why? Because baptism symbolizes that salvation is not from us or about what we do, but about what God has done for us. Thus, infant baptism and a denial of works-based salvation are entirely consistent. Your comment displays a remarkable ignorance for this theological history in favor of slapping down an entire of tradition based on your arrogant whims. Just as you’ve displayed remarkable ignorance about the ecumenical movement, Roman Catholicism, and other Christian denominations. You’re like a blind man trying to describe and elephant and fumbling around badly. Do yourself a favor and never write another blog post until you’ve read some basic theological literature. Otherwise you will keep being an embarrassment to yourself, whether you recognize it or not.

    And you aren’t suffering for Jesus’ sake, so don’t throw out the persecution card like you are some martyr. You’re being called out on your own stupidity and logical fallacies. Time to stop looking at all other Christians as your enemies and look at the log in your own eye.

  9. admin says:

    Are you a water dog and member of the Lord’s navy (Churches of Christ, Oneness Pentecostals, Roman Catholics and etc.)?

  10. admin says:

    I believe Someone said to rejoice when they cast your name out as evil for his Name’s sake. All we know about His name (Jesus) is in the AV1611 so excuse me while I take a PRAISE BRAKE Bible-believers style. …………Ah that felt good. Come on say something else.

  11. h.gual says:

    Belief in water regeneration does not entail an increase in time spent in the water. In fact, it should indicate LESS time spent in the water, as repeat baptisms would not occur as they do in Baptist circles. So the whole sailors “joke”(?) is a failure.

  12. h.gual says:

    That comment displays a remarkable ignorance of Reformation theology. Congratulations on sinking to a new low.

  13. admin says:

    Be careful, I DO NOT know of any baby sprinklers that believe in salvation without works.

  14. Kreine says:

    I saw my first infant baptism recently, & you know what? It’s a glorified baby dedication.

    Granted, it was a Presbyterian church, & from what I understand, they tend toward viewing baptism as an outward sign of the New Covenant, much as circumcision was a sign of the Old Covenant.

  15. Just Saying says:

    I bet they spend a lot of their time in the shower /bath ..They probably believe cleanliness is next to Godliness ..LOL…. Hey maybe they can water dog paddle too?

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