Wolves in sheep’s clothing will appear on stage as angels of light. Lost and saved alike WILL NOT be able to hear Jesus saying, “ye worship ye know not what”; because the serpentine spirit that drives Rock, Rap, and CCM has turned up the volume of deception. Tens of thousands deceived by the ecumenical movement will offer up a blemished sacrifice that the Lord Jesus Christ will have no part of!! Guardian angels look on in horror at the rock concert known as Winter Jam 2014, which provides a venue for Bible ignorant pastors to sacrifice the Lord’s young people to the “gods of rock and roll”. Please inform yourself about previous Winter Jams and those who support this “ecumenical movement” birthed in the “bowels of HELL” itself.
Examine and consider the hard worldly look of Winter Jam’s performers in their publicity pictures.
Do your research, look for non-existent born again testimonies on their website bios. Read your AV1611 Holy Bible, is it right to mix the holy with the profane (c-rock, c-rap, CCM)? Is Jesus in the titles and lyrics of their songs and presented in good doctrinal light? Is the doctrine of those music ministers on stage the same as your doctrine? Doctrinal differences are important and many times are serious enough to separate the saved from the lost. Would you extend the right hand of fellowship to the churches these performers come out of?
What fellowship does light have with the dark cults represented at Winter Jam? Why would born again Christians urge their youth to participate in an ecumenical so-called worship service that attracts the Jesus only cults, the Roman Catholic cult, Charismatic and Pentecostal heretics, and other fringe religions?
There are many questions you must answer about participating in Winter Jam; answer them now or at the judgement seat of Jesus Christ!
Would you like to say anything else? Waiting.
Wow, Bro. Ray…just wow. I don’t want to call you names or judge your words, because then I would be just like you.
But wow, like other commenters have said, you really shouldn’t have a “Comments” section on your blog if you are the only one who’s opinions count and matter.
Beth: You will not respond because YOU cannot respond with Scripture line upon line and precept upon precept. Your musical doctrine is built upon the imagination of your foolish heart, not the BIBLE. Beth dear, there are no private interpretations, unless you make one up. I dare you to read Ezek. 14: 1-10 to see why you are so easily deceived. Bro. Ray
Beth: You will not respond because YOU cannot respond with Scripture line upon line and precept upon precept. Your musical doctrine is built upon the imagination of your foolish heart, not the BIBLE. Beth dear, there are not private interpretations, unless you make one up. I dare you to read Ezek. 14: 1-10 to see why you are so easily deceived. Bro. Ray
Ray i have seen skillet in concert numerous times and they are true believers of God. How people dress has nothing to do with if they believe in God.
I will be praying for you and who knows maybe I will see you at Winter Jam 2014. It might be the best $10 you ever spent.
There is no need for further comment i will no longer respond. Thanks for your time. God Bless!
p.s. and by the way I do believe the Bible we just must interprate it differently.
Beth: John 3:18 says “He that believeth not is condemned already” I never claimed to know my bible front to back, I only claim to believe what I read. Knowing what the Bible says about salvation and believing it do get a person to heaven. Why is it everytime I say what the Bible says or point out some heresy, some liberal ecumenical spiritual stillborn tells me I am mean? Can you answer any of the questions in my first response? He, God, tells everyone to do the same things a.k.a. Bible. When we hear something that does not line up with the Bible it is not God. Remember, Bible Bible Bible BIBLE!! AV1611 of course. Bro. Ray
Ray we are supposed to bring people to Jesus. It sounds to me that we do not serve the same God. My God is a God of compassion and love not a God who condemns. You may claim to know your bible front to back but knowing your bible doesn’t get you to heaven. It is actually about your relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. I don’t understand why you speak so mean to people. We as Christians are to speak with love. You can quote all you like but to everyone out there God loves you for you. Do what he tells you to do and don’t care what anyone else tells you. Only you can hear what God is saying to you. Always remember speak truth in love.
Beth: Actually Matt. 7:1 says “Judge not, that ye be not judged” (AV1611 of course) and furthermore verse 5 of that same chapter addresses the previous statements to the hyprocrite. Also the words of God that you consider so lightly tell us the heart is deceitfully wicked. My advice to you it to consider the words of God (AV1611) over your personal preferences (heart). Are we not supposed to voice objections when we see blasphemies such as the Kundalini spirit substituted for the Holy Spirit of God or the Laughing Spirit in place of joy and peace in the Holy Ghost? Should we not object when wolves in sheep’s clothing do impartations and blame the drunkenness and fainting on the Holy Ghost of God in our churches? I observed Skillet in Charleston, WV about two years ago. How does a lead singer wearing make-up like Ozzy and screaming so loud that the sound waves moved my hair and loose fitting shirt do anything to further the Gospel of Jesus Christ. One Skillet guitarist was dressed in a skin tight shirt, tight red pants and sported long effeminate hair and looked like he just came from a sodomite parade, do you suppose this sissy convicted anyone of their sins? Is c-rock and c-rap doing greater works? Your problem is you do not believe the Bible (AV1611) and God is messing with your apostate head, you cannot discern between light and darkness. Bro. Ray
I am so disappointed in the remarks being made. Our Lord and Savior loves each and every one of us. The issue is our heart not who knows what Bible better. We serve a God of love who has a different call for each one of us. Winter Jam is an awesome concert and not just because of the artists themselves. Jeff Hall always gives an encouraging message that challenges you to be a better follower of our Savior Jesus Christ. We are to judge no one! Our Father God is the final judge. Matthew 7:1&2 says ” Do not judge so that you will not be judged. For in the way you judge, you will be judged; and by your standard measure, it will be measured to you.” This was spoken by Jesus himself. How can we be the hands and feet of our Father if we judge. We are to love all even if they believe different then us. We are all human and have made mistakes. Lucky for us we have a Father who forgives us. How awesome is that! We are forgiven even when we don’t deserve it. God has called each of us to do something GREATER with our lives. This could be the artists greater work. God gave them each a voice! Listen to the lyrics! I am listening to Skillet right now and the words are uplifting. Please don’t judge before you listen. These people save lives! TO EVERYONE OUT THERE FIND YOUR GREATER! Jesus says “…anyone who believes in me will do the same works I have done, and even greater works…” It is not about who is right. We must be concerned that we are doing what God wants us to do. I hope this gives you something to think about.
God Bless!
Dave: That’s a pretty good answer. Bro. Ray P.S. Just think we agreed on something, that’s a start. God Bless.
There is power in the Holy Spirit, THe Holy Spirit is our Comforter, our Helper, That is how.
Dave: Do you have this power you speak of? Could you show us some examples of how you use this power? Bro. Ray
Hey Mr, Pharisee it’s me Dave…. was it necessary to use insults, Did you read Galatians 5:22 – 23? Gal 5:22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith,
Gal 5:23 Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law.
Is that how a believer acts?
Hey Dave its me its me Its Mr Pharisee .. I hope you get this power you brag of, you tongue tied tongue talker you .I think you got dunamis mixed up again like your perverted doctrine. Here you are in this verse. See if you can spot it..Ready Dave ole boy ..2 Peter 2:16 But was rebuked for his iniquity: [the dumb ass] speaking with man’s voice forbad the madness of the prophet.
Dave: I did a series of posts on Acts chapter 2 that you should read.
Also my new post DIPENSATIONS – A BIBLE STUDY will help you get the knowledge and courage to leave your present synagogue of Satan that you attend. Bro. Ray
Acts 1:8 But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth.
From G1410; force (literally or figuratively); specifically miraculous power (usually by implication a miracle itself): – ability, abundance, meaning, might (-ily, -y, -y deed), (worker of) miracle (-s), power, strength, violence, mighty (wonderful) work.
Kevin: Key: What was being preached on the football field? Key: STRYPER, could you be more specific how an effeminate rock group encouraged you in your faith? Key: How did you surrender, you were already a slave to Jesus Christ who bought and paid for you with his own blood (the blood of God). Key: What Bible did you study while earning these prestigious man give degrees? Key: Being His voice, what did you say to these devilish rockers you “worked and toured with”?
How do I pass judgment? I am judging them by the words of God (AV1611 of course). Scripture says we are given a new song, not one reworked by deceitful men (rockers). How on earth does SKILLET and STRYPER represent Jesus Christ? A new song is new notes and new words, rock mu-SICK does not qualify by any stretch of your evil imagination.
I came to know Jesus as my Savior on a football field, being a hardcore animal sacrificing blood drinking satanist on October 31, 1984. Key: I was raised in a Christian family. The first Christian concert I went to was STRYPER. God used those guys to encourage me in my new faith. Three years of serving in student ministry, I surrendered to become a full-time vocational evangelist, completing my bachelor’s of arts in Biblical Studies, then my Master’s & Doctor’s in Divinity. I have been His voice for over 20 years and worked with & toured with many of the men and women of God that you are mocking. So I am asking you: how dare you pass judgment on these people, that you do not know their heart and mock their personal relationship with Jesus Christ?
Silas: Good try.
Jake: You received 90, almost 100% on 1 through 5. To get 100% you must tell where the Scriptures are located that we can all search as Jesus commanded us to do in the Gospel of John 5:39. You said in number 5 that the Bible states it, and I must figure that you mean the AV1611 since you capitalized Bible. Is that right? Answer correctly and I will give you the extra points to score 100%.
There in NO NEED for me to search further for truth, I found it in Jesus Christ and his words (AV1611 of course). And as for my CONCLUSION, you still do not have any FINAL AUTHORITY IN YOUR LIFE, your only authority is your opinions about the opinions of other people like you who only have opinions and no Bible (FINAL AUTHORITY). You claim to believe in a God and Saviour who created the entire universe and gave his words to mankind, but you cannot trust Him to preserve those same words for us in a language we can read and understand in one BOOK.
Here’s just one acid test for you, Do unrepentant Muslims, Mormons, Jehovah Witnesses, and Roman Catholics go to heaven? If your answer to any of these is yes, you do not believe what you stated in 1-5 and do not believe THE BOOK (AV1611 of course) By the way, why do you hate that BOOK? Son, I urge you to go to and do a verse by verse comparison of scripture perversions with the AV1611, you’ll be shocked into repentance.
Very sorry I won’t hear from you any more, but you are welcome to read this site anytime you want if morbid curiosity gets the best of you, Bro. Ray
I would be happy to state the Gospel for you. But this will be my last comment.
But, here is the Gospel. 1 Corinthians 15: 3b-4 “How that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures.”
1. Christ died- God the Son, the 2nd member of the Trinity came to earth as a man to live a perfect life.
2. For our sins- We are all born in sin. No one is righteous (Romans 3: 10, 23). The result of our fallen nature is a sinful nature and the punishment for it is eternity in hell.
3. He was buried- God the Son realized that we were incapable of being freed from sin and its punishment on our own so He died for us. He took our punishment…and we took His righteousness.
4. He rose again- Jesus Christ did not remain in the grave! He conquered death to prove that He was God and promise us eternal life if we believe the Gospel.
5. According to the Scriptures- the Bible is the absolute authority. It is the written Word of God. We know the Gospel is true because the Bible states it.
Brother Ray, I encourage you to continue your search for truth. My only annoyance with you is how you handle opposing views. Whether they be correct or not, you need to have a less judgmental attitude towards them.
As I said before, I will stop commenting now. I know in my heart that I could tear your view limb from limb, but I know from experience with others like you that I can say nothing that will change your prideful heart. I can only pray that you come to the correct conclusion on your own.
Jake: That emotion you are experiencing is frustration due to Bible ignorance. What do you mean not open to criticism, I posted your comment word for word and gave you an internet podium to express yourself. Then I simply asked you some questions that you were unable or refused to answer. You were unable to answer because you do not have a FINAL AUTHORITY IN YOUR LIFE. Please look at my post #16 JUST TRYIN TO MAKE YOU THINK!, that is you my friend! Good Biblical preaching (AV1611 of course) is not hatred or hate speech unless you hate the AV1611. And I believe you do friend.
Can you answer one very important question before you hang up EZEKIEL3? You said see you in heaven, brother Ray, what is your hope and basis for getting to heaven? Can you verbalize the Gospel? Try it, we’ll both feel better. Bro. Ray
hahaha you’re unbelievable. I’ll choose not to continue our argument further because I can see that you are not open to any criticism or countering opinions whatsoever. Which makes me question why you have a comment section on this blog at all… Oh! Maybe its because you’re desperate for attention and praise. Typical for people of your personality. Anyways, since you’re close-minded I’ll end this here. Continue your hatred if you want, but just try to figure out what pleases God the most before you do it. See you in Heaven, brother Ray!
Jake: What exactly is the Charles in question doing to serve God other than posting silly blasphemous comments over at the perverted ant-Christ site ?
Jake: You speak as one who has no authority in your life. Which bible is your absolute authority? You say you are a believer just like me, what do you believe in, where is it written? Which bible is God’s final authority. As for Godly motives the Roman Catholics thought they had Godly motive when they tormented and murdered tens of thousands of born again Chistians who would not renounce the Jesus of the Bible. As for priorities, the words of God (AV1611) is priority one for me and every one else that believes on Jesus Christ. You agree with me to a point?, which point. Preaching Christ?, how do long, haired effeminate, rockers preach Christ? Thanks for the spell check, and speaking of spell checks, that is all the so-called revisions of the AV1611 amounted to and they were just updates on the spelling. It is obvious that “perverted bible babbles” and c-rap and c-rock are the same birds of a feather. Bro. Ray
Hey brother. Just went and read your conversation with Ray. Sorry he was so cruel to you man. Hinting that a man may be homosexual is certainly never a scholarly or professional way to debate. Apparently Ray doesn’t like any opposition to his view. Perhaps that’s why his arguments are so weak. Keep serving God, Charles.
hahaha This is hilarious. Couldn’t help but read the article after I noticed the title in my Google search as I was looking for information for next year’s tour. I have both agreements and disagreements with you.
First, I have a strong feeling that your judgmental attitude is going to get you in trouble man. I’m a believer just like you, but I have better things to do than shove my 1611 KJV in someone’s face (which I’m guessing you probably don’t actually read since the KJV was constantly revised over the past 400 years) and condemn them for listening to music that don’t fit your personal preferences. By all means, develop your own beliefs, brother. As long as you have Godly motives behind your final conclusions, I believe He can use you. However, try to figure out what is actually a priority to fight about. Unless it directly influences the Gospel (which your specific translation of the Bible and musical preferences do not), I wouldn’t fight for it. That’s why I keep my mouth shut on most issues.
At the same time, though, I agree with you to a point. Winter Jam has become a major marketing scheme for Holt International (which I’m surprised that you label “an ungodly supporter”) and fails to present the Gospel in an effective manner. I started going to Winter Jam when I was a kid, and I still go with the teens in the youth group I help at. However, I have grown increasingly disappointed with its quality over the years. All that being said, there are lives being changed each night at these concerts. You WILL see people in Heaven one day because of what the Holy Spirit did at these concerts. My advice for you is simple. If you don’t like something, think about how God might be using it. Read Philippians 1: 15-18 in your 1611 Bible. Paul had issues with people who were preaching the Gospel for the wrong reason, but he didn’t stop them. Do you know why? Read verse 18 again. BECAUSE THEY WERE PREACHING CHRIST!!!!! God can use those who disagree with you to spread His Word. I understand if you disagree with Winterjam, but let God continue to do His work through it. He’ll honor you for your own work (assuming you do preach the Gospel and not just judgmental hatred).
P.S. in your “About Admin” section. You use the wrong form of “site” in line 2. I would change this so that people on the outside looking in don’t realize that you’re uneducated.
Charles: You say I look like a what? What do you think Darrell a.k.a. Squirrel , yourself and the other apostates at look like? Bro. Ray P.S. You may not comment again by you’ll check back out of MORBID CURIOUSITY.
If you do not desire to have intelligent discussion and debates on your blog, you should really get rid of your comment section. That way you can post your uneducated, unreasonable, illogical and uninformed fallacies without having your readers make you look like an ass.
This will be my last response. I do hope that you someday repent of your self-righteousness. Grace and peace.
Charles: Is a red herring connected with the living babble? Your doing it again and Oh NO your starting to say over and over and over. What was the question? Never mind, I’ve just been seeing how far and long I could pull an apostate without a rope. Bro. Ray
Ray, the answers are not given in any of your earlier posts. Surely you have an answer? If you do not just say it.
Ray, the reasons I am asking the same questions over and over and over is because you are failing to answer my questions. I think you may have mistakenly upset yourself. Sorry Ray, try again.
And no, a red herring correlates in no way with the NIV. I do hope you educate yourself with the term.
Charles: You have a fifty-fifty chance of getting the right book. Try it, if the first choice is it the other one is. Yeah really! The answers to your questions are in previous posts and the Holy Bible (AV1611 of course). Red herring, is that in the NIV babble or is that the NIV babble? Vera encourages it. Any more questions, Charles? Bro. Ray P.S. Oh by the way you did it again, over and over and over, if your children are following your example they are in TROUBLE. Stop now, there you go again, OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER!!!!
Once again Ray, you refuse to answer my questions. Unless your pervert mockery constitutes as an answer. Was your mockery an answer Ray? Also, to what passages in Thessalonians are you referring Ray? You know we have two letters written to Thessalonians. Perhaps you should ask your like minded friends if they can come up with an answer. Also, since you are so keen on definitions, I want you to look up the term “red herring.” It’s a logical fallacy, and something you are quite fond of.
I can also ask you the same questions, does your wife Vera approve of your internet behavior? I hope not.
Charles: You worry me, You seem to have a fascination with King David in his birthday suit. Read Thessalonians how God caused people to love and believe a lie after the rapture. You did not hear one word I said, you ask the same questions over and over and over. Then you ask another one over and over and when you get the answer you are not satisfied, and then your go on again, over and over and over. Does your wife know you have a fixation with a naked king? Bro. Ray
Sigh…Ray, you have yet to answer any of my previous questions. And as for Romans 1, that is a gross misinterpretation on your part. You honestly believe Paul is telling us that God brainwashes people into hell? That’s how you interpret that passage? Really?
Also, stop derailing the conversation with your mocking and useless dialogue. You accuse me of asking questions founded on questions, and yet you have yet to answer any of my original questions. So here we go once again Ray, here they are in black and white so that you can address them:
Also, what is the difference between sacred and profane? Did not David sing and dance naked before the Lord? Does not the entire book of Psalms command us to worship the Lord with song, dance, and instruments? Also, what is the correlation between contemporary music and the ecumenical movement?
Also, you did not understand my repentance question (you seem to have little understanding), if God willfully causes people to sin and forces them into an “apostate” mind, why should I repent? Should not god repent? (Using your logic, not mine.)
Praying for you Ray.
Charles: What should you repent of? Have you not read what you and the simpletons at write concerning anything that is good and wholesome. Have you not paid attention to what kind of spiritual filth Darrell promotes on his website that you participate in? What about the mockery of God’s word that site that you help does to the words of God? Wake up man.
Yes, God warns in the scriptures about turning people over to Satan. He warns about turning people over to a reprobate mind in Romans chapter one.
The Bible speaks of people like you by using the word implacable. Look it up in the 1828 dictionary and the Bible. The word has you an Darrell’s cronies description on it. One question after another, then you ask another to build on the senseless question you asked previously. Over and over and over. Then over and over you ask again about spiritual matters, then you mock. Yes you are implacable. Apostate for sure and probably reprobate. Be very afraid Charles!
If God has given my mind over to satan, what should I repent of? Do you honestly believe that God infiltrates the human mind and forces people into darkness? That’s worse than calvinism.
If god does what you speak, then he is evil…is he not? You’re older posts do not answer the questions I just posed. Surely you can come up with a reasonable response.
Charles: You are the second to respond to this post. Congrats. Frank is a fellow street preacher and friend of this site. Sorry to disappoint you.
As for your questions, read my other posts on rock, rap and CCM. Yes, I have examined the lyrics, have you? I fear the Lord has turned you over to an apostate mind. Remember from where you have fallen and repent. Bro. Ray
Ray, he’s mocking you.
Also, what is the difference between sacred and profane? Did not David sing and dance naked before the Lord? Does not the entire book of Psalms command us to worship the Lord with song, dance, and instruments? Also, what is the correlation between contemporary music and the ecumenical movement? Would love some explanation Ray.
Have you examined the lyrics of the artists participating at Winter Jam? I encourage you to do so, so that you may determine just who they are exalting.
Frank: Congrats. You are the first to respond for or against! Bro. Ray
Aaaaammmeeennn! We preach this damnable event every year and watch thousands of Hell spawn filter into these house of whores! True brother Ray True! Do you have any info when they will the 2014 season starts? For this cause God shall send them strong delusion that they would believe a lie and be damned that should not obey the truth! Kjv