AMERICAN BAPTIST CHURCHES in the USA and the World Council of Churches (WCC)

The list of North American churches below is from a WCC website. Y ou will  find the American Baptist Churches of the USA on this list.   ABC-USA have joined lockstep with this pack of ecumenical apostates and reprobates that call themselves the World Council of Churches.   The WCC would be more accurate it they called themselves the WCH (World Council of Harlots).  The churches and religious groups that are affiliated with the WCC help fulfill the prophecy of Revelation chapters 17 and 18 in the AV1611 Holy Bible.  These WCC churches are harlots operating under the Roman Catholic WHORE  spoken of in Revelation. 

This post is only an introduction of the APOSTASY REPORT that Ezekiel3 will be bringing concerning the World Council of Churches and the little harlots who have signed up for last days apostasy!

World Council of Churches

WCC member churches based in United States of America

About Bro. Ray McIntire

EZEKIEL 3 is extremely salty and has not lost any savor found in the AV1611 Holy Bible. If you are looking for compromise, this site is not for you! This site's objective is to exalt the Lord Jesus Christ and to destroy false doctrines and expose false teachers. EZEKIEL3 makes no apologies to anyone who opposes the Gospel of Jesus Christ, "Christian" or otherwise. Deal with it!
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